EVERYDAY Meatballs in tomato sauce contains 39% pork mince meatballs. Reheat in the microwave (750W) or in a frying pan over low heat.
EVERYDAY Meatballs in tomato sauce contains 39% pork mince meatballs. Reheat in the microwave (7 mins at 750W) or in the pan (11-13 mins over low heat). Each jar contains 800 gr.
Ingredients: 40% [72% viande de porc, chapelure (farine et amidon de blé, sel, levure), amidons (blé, pomme de terre), oignons, sel, fibres végétales, eau, épices] 25% tomato pulp, onions, 2% tomato concentrate, modified starch, sugar [sel, amidon, farine de blé, extrait de levure, arômes, maltodextrine, dextrose, graisse de poulet, huile de tournesol, extrait de viande de boeuf, oignons, tomates en poudre, sucre caramélisé, épaississant (E412), épices et plantes aromatiques, extrait d'épices, citron] , salt, spices, onion preparation (small onions, water, salt, spice extracts ), thickener (E415).
Store dry, away from heat and light. After opening, keep for 2 days in the refrigerator in a closed container.